I don't know the name of this hash function. I also don't remember where I found it.
Sorry original author!
INT HashStringUnknownGenericHash1A(_In_ LPCSTR String)
PCHAR Pointer;
INT Generic;
INT Hash = 0;
for (Pointer = (PCHAR)String; *Pointer != '\0'; Pointer++)
Hash = (Hash << 4) + (INT)(*Pointer);
Generic = Hash & 0xF0000000L;
if (Generic != 0)
Hash = Hash ^ (Generic >> 24);
Hash = Hash & ~Generic;
return Hash;
INT HashStringUnknownGenericHash1W(_In_ LPCWSTR String)
PWCHAR Pointer;
INT Generic;
INT Hash = 0;
for (Pointer = (PWCHAR)String; *Pointer != '\0'; Pointer++)
Hash = (Hash << 4) + (INT)(*Pointer);
Generic = Hash & 0xF0000000L;
if (Generic != 0)
Hash = Hash ^ (Generic >> 24);
Hash = Hash & ~Generic;
return Hash;